Reseller Checklist: Onboarding AWS Customer
The following information is intended to be of a general nature. The processes may differ depending on the specific country.
Before you can add or link an existing AWS account, the following items should be completed:
Tasks | Owner | Control Panel |
Before you complete the following steps, review Discovery Questions for Customers with Existing AWS Accounts. | Reseller | N/A |
Setup Client in platform (if not already completed) | Reseller | ION |
Customer/Cloud Provider: Set the Pricebook for the Customer | Reseller | ION |
Assign the Support Plan Group (AWS Business Support, Developer Support or Basic/No Support) | Reseller | ION |
Setup platform end-user credentials for access to the Customer Portal (Optional) | Reseller | ION |
Note: AWS Account Linking: A workflow request is submitted for approval and processing to the platform Operations team. Once approved, an email from Amazon Web Services is sent to the root email address. Within two weeks, the owner of the AWS account must accept the linking request (via the link embedded in the email or within the Consolidated Billing/Organizations section of the AWS console).
Request new AWS Account
The process to request a new AWS account may be performed in the platform management console or from the end-customer portal.
Tasks | Owner | Control Panel |
Setup Client in platform (if not already completed) | Reseller | ION |
Customer/Cloud Provider: Set the Pricebook for the Customer | Reseller | ION |
Customer/Cloud Account screen: Click [Request+] or [New+] Note: The SIE Support Ops team will contact you for the email address for the new account. This email address will be used for the new AWS Accounts' Root user login credentials. | Reseller / Client | ION/Customer Portal |
Customer/Cloud Account screen: Select "Amazon Web Services" from the Cloud Provider List | Reseller / Client | ION/Customer Portal |
After the new account has been set up, create the Role ARN (instructions on the platform) | Root Owner/IAM User | AWS |
Verify Role ARN value on the platform | Reseller | ION |
After the new account has been set up, assign the Support Plan Group (AWS Business Support, Developer Support or Basic/No Support) | Reseller | ION |
Upgrade the support type to AWS Business Support or Developer Support, if applicable. | Client | AWS |
Note: AWS New Account Request. A workflow request is sent to the platform Operations team for approval. You will be contacted to confirm or request information: (1) Account Name/Nickname, (2) New Email Address to assign as Root, and (3) the AWS Support Type required.
Highly recommended TDS training class: Setting Up and Managing your AWS Business on StreamOne Ion. This training will assist you in understanding how StreamOne Ion handles AWS business complexities, setting up your AWS business, understanding reports, and reconciling billing data. (This is partner-facing training.)
To submit a support request, in StreamOne Ion, click the "?" icon in the upper right menu bar or click the Support button in the menu. Alternatively, you can click Submit a ticket in the Knowledge Base. Fill out all mandatory fields, or read How to Use StreamOne Freshdesk to Submit and View Support Tickets for more information.