Navigation Menu: Marketplace, Subscriptions, Customers


The goal of the Global Search engine is to provide an enhanced search experience within StreamOne Ion that implements a unified and advanced search capability throughout the platform.

This allows users to search across various modules, including the Marketplace, Subscriptions, and Customers, in a centralized manner.


Global Search

The global search bar can be found toward the upper right of the screen, near the quick access menu. This search bar will continually be found in the same location in each module that includes the standard StreamOne Ion header.

After typing a query, suggested results will populate based on the entered text.

Exact matches for your search term will be highlighted with bold blue text, while matches to related information within a search result will be bold italicized blue text.

The results will be organized into four sections:

  1. Global Search Top 3 Suggestions
  2. Marketplace Results
  3. Subscriptions Results
  4. Customers Results

01. Global Search Top 3 Suggestions

At the top of the search results will be the top 3 suggestions based upon the entered query.


Selecting any of those three options will add it to the list of searched criteria for this search result.

02. Marketplace Results

At the top of this section are filters that can help refine the results by term, SKU Display Name, Product Vertical, and Manufacturer Part Number.

The Marketplace results are broken up into two separate columns: one listing the related products for the search term and another column that lists the related plans.

Selecting a line item in the Products column will update the results in the Plans column to reveal a list of plans related to that selected product:

03. Subscriptions Results

The Subscription column similarly has a section for filters at the top for Subscription ID, Manufacturer Part Number, Customer Name, and Cloud Provider.

The subscription results will include a list of subscription IDs. Each line item will feature a section that details the relevancy of this Subscription ID to the entered search term. For example, if the subscription name includes the search term, that will be the detailed reason this result is in the list.


04. Customers Results

The Customers column features results of customers with the search term either in their business name or within any of the fields of their contact information.

The results can be filtered by organization name, contact name, email, street address, and city.


Adding searched criteria

Clicking enter after typing any search term will turn that term into searched criteria.

Once that term is in place, it is possible to return to the search bar to enter further search terms. These new results will be narrowed by the previously entered search.


Viewing Search Results

Hovering over any line item in any section and selecting “View” will bring you to that option in the module the result originates from.


Marketplace Search

The Marketplace module features its own dedicated search feature that functions similarly to the Global Search, which is specifically focused on Marketplace Items, including Products and Plans.


This Marketplace-specific search can help find relevant items within the Marketplace Module by filtering down to the desired category and subcategory.

Similar to the Global Search, when entering a search term, exact matches will be bolded and colored blue, and you will be given a few rows to choose from.

Here you will see both the Products and Plans columns, as they were presented in the Global Search; however, the Subscription and Customers columns will not be present in this search.


This Marketplace search also features filters that can help refine the results by term, manufacturer part number, SKU display name, and product vertical.

Just like before, any entered search term can be added to the searched criteria, and any further search results will be narrowed by the entered terms.

Products Column

In the Products Column, each line item will list the product’s name and will be followed by the relevancy of the entered search term to this product, if necessary.


Selecting any line item under the Products column will update the results in the Plans column to the right to display a list of plans that are associated with the suggested product.

After hovering over a product in the list, selecting “View” to the right of this column will open the Product Details Page with the complete list of relevant plans that can be selected and added to the cart.

Plans Column

Upon entering a search, the plans column will show the most relevant results for that search term.

Selecting a product in the column to the left will adjust this list of plans to feature plans that are relevant to both the product selected and the entered search term.


When viewing search results in the Plans column, selecting a specific plan will redirect you to the Product Details page with the plan already selected from the list.


Product Details Page Search

In the Product Details page, you will find another search bar toward the top right that can be utilized to locate specific plans.

It has filters for term, manufacturer part number, SKU display name, and product vertical.

Identically to the other search fields, typing a search term and selecting Enter will transform this search term into searched criteria, and entering further search terms will add them to the list, narrowing the results.

Selecting a plan from the list of search results will select it in the list of plans in the Product Details page and bring it closer to the top of the list of plans.


If you'd like to view video documentation of these features, please watch the video here: LINK.

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