Quoting Module

Quotes has been introduced as a new module in StreamOne Ion. When users select Quotes from the main menu, it will display all quotes for all customers related to the reseller account in this list:

The search bar allows users to refine their results by searching for a quote based on Quote Number, Recipient Organization, Quote Name and Status. A toggle labelled Hide Expired can be used to filter out expired quotes.

Using the icons on each line will allow the following options:

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  • View: view the selected quote.
  • Copy Link: copy the link of a created quote to share it with the customer.
  • Clone: creates a copy of an already existing quote.

The ‘Drafts’ tab on the top of the page will show a list of all the quotes with ‘Draft’ status:


Use the pencil icon () to edit quotes in Drafts.

Creating a new Quote

To create a new quote users can either press the ‘CREATE NEW QUOTE’ from the Quotes module or use the option ‘Create Quote’ in the cart after selecting the products in the Marketplace to open the Quote generator:

Quote Generator

The Quote Generator is designed to simplify the quoting process. It features 4 steps: Recipients, Basic Info, Scenarios and Summary.


On this step the user is asked to type the name of the quote (The Quote Name field is mandatory and limited to 100 characters) and identify the recipients of the quote. Two radio buttons will let determine whether the quote is sent to a single or multiple customers or to a single or multiple leads:


Create Quote for Customers

When the option ‘Create Quote for Multiple Customers’ is selected, users can choose one or multiple options from the list based on Recipient Organization and showing customers that are under the Reseller account. Searching the name of a customer from the search bar will show a refined list based on the input entered in the search bar.

A customer can have multiple recipients under them, and users can select the name(s) of the recipient(s) from the drop-down list and the selected recipient’s email ID will be displayed:

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Create Quote intended for Leads

Leads are customers who are not in StreamOne Ion. When the option ‘Create Quote for Leads’ is selected, users can type in the email addresses of one or more leads customers that are intended to receive the quote:

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Basic info

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On the Quote Details section, you will find the following fields:

  • Logo box – Here you will see the Reseller logo that can be added through the Account information settings section.
  • Reference number – Allows the user to enter a reference number to the quote. This field is optional and limited to 50 characters.
  • Start date – User will be able to add a date from when the quote would be valid. It is a mandatory field.
  • Expiry – Sets the duration of the validity of the quote. It is a mandatory field and set to 30 days by default. After this date the status of the Quote will change to ‘Expired’
  • Quote Description – Free text field that allows the user to enter a description to the quote. This field is optional and limited to 500 characters.
  • Internal Notes – Free text field that allows the user to enter notes to the quote. This field is optional and limited to 500 characters. 
  • Attachments box – Allows users to attach a file to the quote:

Accepted file types: .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .xls, .doc

The Recipient Message section will give users the ability to choose the text of the email the recipient(s) will receive using a set of custom templates. Templates can be selected from the Email Templates list and previewed in the window next to it.

Pressing the ‘Edit Template’ option will allow users to edit the template text and use dynamic tags that will add key information to the email such as CustomerOrg, QuoteID, Partner Name, QuoteLink or Partner Name:

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Any edits made are quote specific and do not alter the email template at the account level.


Note: email templates are preloaded into the account so they can be managed from the e-mail templates under the account setting. This gives the reseller the ability to pre generate various e-mail templates depending on the business case and the persona they're sending it to and select which one they want to trigger to the recipient with the submission of the quote:

Quotes can be saved at any step of the process as a draft, to exit without losing the current session progress and can later be accessed from “Drafts” tab in the Quotes module.

Once all the fields have been filled out, pressing the ‘NEXT’ button will proceed to the next step.

Note: Leads have their own specific email and when creating a quote for Leads, users do not have other templates to choose from:

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Scenarios allow resellers to create different bundles where the customer will be able to compare and choose from.

Resellers must create a scenario with at least one product to be able to advance in the quoting process. In order to do that, users need to hit “ADD PRODUCTS” to launch the catalog view for that specific scenario:

The catalog view opens and allows users to browse and select products to add to the scenario:

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Once all the products are selected, pressing the ‘RETURN TO SCENARIOS’ button will return the user to the ‘Scenarios’ step in the quote.

Multiple products can be added to each scenario and users can create multiple scenarios using the ‘ADD SCENARIO’ button:

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On quotes intended for Multiple Recipients, different selected customers can have different prices depending on the price book assigned to them or on the discount made:

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Resellers can select a customer and apply price override to these prices if needed (for more information on Price override please check Price override documentation):


The customer needs to be selected to see that customer’s price and margin.

Note: All the Scenarios are shared amongst customers, but the prices are specific to each of them.

Once all the scenarios and products have been added, pressing the ‘NEXT’ button will proceed to the next step.


In the Summary step, users can review the quote they have created. If there is a need to change any part of the quote, users can go back by selecting the back button or pressing any of the steps shown on the top of the page:

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The summary page will include Quote Name, Quote Description, Start & End Date, Prepared for (customer / lead), Prepared by and Tabs for scenarios created where the user can see the details of each scenario.

When multiple customers/leads have been selected, the summary will display as a list of the customers/leads in the Prepared for section:

Once all the data is reviewed the quote can be submitted by pressing the ‘SUBMIT QUOTE’ button. A confirmation window will pop-up allowing the user to go forward with the submission or cancel the operation:

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If confirmed, the recipient(s) will receive an email containing the previously selected message and a link to access the quote. The status of the quote will change to ‘Pending Response’. From this point on no more changes can be made to the quote but users can still download, print or copy link.

Important: The prices shown on the quote will be honored through the quote’s lifecycle.

If the quote has multiple recipients, then one quote is created per recipient and shown in quote list in Pending Response status:

Accept / Reject Quote as a Reseller

Once the quote is submitted, the reseller has the ability to Accept or Reject the quote on behalf of the customer. After opening the quote from the Quotes list the reseller will find the summary view where they can review all the information and Accept or Reject the quote:

Pressing the ‘Accept’ button will show a pop-up asking the user to confirm the scenario that is being accepted:

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Once the scenario has been confirmed the reseller will be redirected to the Cart where he will be able to configure the product(s) present in the quote and proceed with the purchase:

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Once the order has been placed the quote will change its status to ‘Accepted’.

When viewing the quote after it was accepted it will show the status in green together with the related timestamp on the top of the page:


Rejected quotes will show the status in red together with the related timestamp on the top of the page:

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The summary view has 3 options on top of the page users can choose from:

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  • Download –users can choose to download the quote in 3 different formats: CSV, PDF, XLS:


  • COPY LINK - use the ‘copy link’ option to get a link that redirects users to the quote on the Customer Storefront where it shows the customers view:

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  • Preview – Will show the same view as in ‘Copy Link’ but in StreamOne Ion:

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Accept / Reject Quote as a Customer

Customers can view their quotes using the link sent by email or using the Console of the StreamOne Ion Customer Storefront by navigating to the ‘Quotes’ menu. The list will show all the quotes belonging to the customer:

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When the customer opens a quote, he can review all the information and the different scenarios, download the quote or use the Copy link options. Customers can Accept or Reject the quote using the buttons at the bottom of the screen:

Pressing the ‘Accept’ button will show a pop-up asking the user to confirm the scenario that is being accepted:

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Once the scenario has been confirmed the customer will be redirected to the Cart where he will be able to configure the product(s) present in the quote and proceed with the purchase:

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Once the order has been placed the quote will change its status to ‘Accepted’ and the Reseller receives an email notification informing of the Quotes status change.

Pressing the ‘Reject’ change the quotes status and notify the Reseller of the status change: