Navigation Menu: Customers, Marketplace, Subscriptions, Partners


The goal of the new Global Search engine is to enhance the search experience within StreamOne Ion by implementing a unified and advanced search capability.

This allows users to search across various modules including customers, products, subscriptions, and partners, in a centralized manner. This new capability leverages advanced search techniques for its backend indexing and search capabilities.

Global Search

1. RECENT SEARCH - Global Search displays a history of up to the 3 most recent searches, providing quick access to past queries when the search bar is empty. 

2. SUGGESTIONS - As you begin typing, it suggests relevant terms based on the entered text and shows results related to the typed content. Selecting a suggestion automatically populates the search bar, displaying the corresponding results.

3. RESULTS -   You can either click on a result to view it on the same page or choose "open in new tab" to view it in a separate tab.

Global Search Bar

1.  Users can search for data across multiple modules, including Customers, Marketplace, Subscriptions, and Partners using the Global Search Bar. The search bar is always accessible in the top banner, regardless of the module currently in use on the platform. By default, searches are performed across ALL modules i.e., Customers, Marketplace, Subscriptions and Partners when no specific module tag is selected, ensuring comprehensive search results.

2. Global Search window can be resized both horizontally and vertically, allowing users to adjust the search view to their preference.

Global Search Advanced Filtering

1. If the user wants to narrow down their search result within a module, they can narrow down searches by selecting a specific module tag. Available module tags include Customers, Marketplace, Subscriptions, and Partners.

Each module offers further sub-categories to refine searches. See below.

Global Search Settings

1. In the Global Search window, there is a Settings option that allows you to customize your search experience by selecting or deselecting specific modules. Click on the Settings icon located at the bottom right of the Global Search window. This will open the settings menu. By default, all modules are preselected, meaning the search will include all of them. To refine your search, you can deselect any modules by unchecking individual boxes. 

After customizing your selection, Click Save. These settings will now narrow down future searches, displaying results only from the selected modules.

Marketplace Search 

1. The Marketplace module features a dedicated search functionality similar to the Global Search but focused specifically on marketplace items. By default, search covers all categories within the marketplace, including Products and Plans.

Marketplace Search - Narrow Results

1. To narrow down results, select a specific category and within each category, further select sub-categories to refine results more precisely.


This marketplace-specific search helps users quickly find relevant items within the Marketplace module by filtering down to the desired category and sub-category.

Marketplace Search - Nested View

1. In the Marketplace search, there is an Unnested View option. In the standard (Nested) view, plans are organized under their respective products, providing a hierarchical structure that groups related plans beneath each product. However, in the unnested view, products and plans are displayed on the same line, making all items appear at the same level. 

This nested format allows for easier navigation and a more organized display of items.

Marketplace Search - Pre-Selected Plan Navigation

1. When a user searches for a specific plan in the Marketplace view, the system navigates to the Product Details page and specific plan that matches the search is auto selected in the plans list.