The platform supports multi-currency for cloud vendors that offer pricing in a currency outside of USD.

USD is the default.

The multi-currency features within the platform can convert Google (GCP) and Azure Plan (New Commerce) based on currency settings within the countries supported.

Overview of Azure Plan multi-currency functionality:

Pricebooks - the platform pulls the Azure plan pricebook via API.  When your settings are in a non-USD currently, the platform converts the pricebook into the selected country currency supported by the vendor.  You can create pricebooks in multiple currencies within the same platform account.

Billing Reports - By default, Azure plan billing reports display in the currency set by Tech Data.  You can use the drop-down in the report interface to view the data in a non-USD currency.

Invoices - Invoices (or billing statements) can be generated in a different currency than the billing report.  The default currency for invoices is configured in the account settings.  By default, the platform currency exchange rate (last known rate) is applied, but custom exchange rates can be added.

Create Pricebook in non-USD Currency

Navigation:  Billing > Pricebooks

At the top of the pricebook screen, you see the option to "Filter by cloud provider currency." The default is USD.  If you select another currency, the platform shows you the cloud provider pricebook available under the selected currency.

To create a custom pricebook, please refer to this article:  How to Create and Manage Pricebooks for Cloud Providers

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